HomeHemHjälp till att hindra ett folk att utplånas för produktion av bilbatterier

Hjälp till att hindra ett folk att utplånas för produktion av bilbatterier

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Nomadic Hongana Manyawa family. Photo taken during early contact.

Från organisationen Survival International kommer den här uppmaningen att hjälpa till att stoppa mineralutvinning som hotar ett hittills i stort sett okontaktat folk – Hongana Manyawa – i Indonesien att drabbas av utplåning.

Såhär skriver de:

Rainforest inhabited by hundreds of uncontacted Hongana Manyawa people has been targeted for highly destructive mining, which will devastate the forest – and the people.

Hugely powerful companies are involved. The Hongana Manyawa desperately need your support if they’re to survive.

The vast mining scheme on the island of Halmahera is part of Indonesia’s plan to become a major producer of electric car batteries – a plan into which Tesla and other companies are pouring billions of dollars. Nickel is currently a key ingredient of these batteries.

The Hongana Manyawa – which means ‘People of the Forest’ in their own language – are one of the last nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes in Indonesia. 

They now face the threat of seeing their land, and everything they need to survive, destroyed by corporations rushing to produce supposedly climate-friendly cars for people living thousands of miles away.

Please tell Tesla to pledge that none of the minerals they buy ever comes from the lands of uncontacted Indigenous people in Halmahera – and let the mining companies, and the Indonesian authorities, know you’ve done so.

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