Cathryn Townsend is interviewed by Leif Jacobsson, Stellan Beckman and Ola Persson, members of the organisation Fourth World – an organisation for solidarity with indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities. See also
Cathryn Townsend is a social anthropologist who has been doing anthropological research on hunter-gatherer societies since 2009, when she travelled to the Democratic Republic of Congo to work with the Mbuti, who were made famous for their egalitarian social order by Colin Turnbull’s popular ethnography The Forest People.
She went on to complete a PhD thesis on the emergence of inequality among Baka former hunter-gatherers of the Western Congo Basin. Since then, she has been working on the generosity and sharing practices of Ik, former hunter-gatherers in northern Uganda, correcting the myth that the Ik have a culture of ‘selfishness’ that was created by Colin Turnbull’s ethnography The Mountain People.
She has also been a member of the Human Generosity Project. The project is the first large-scale transdisciplinary research project to investigate the interrelationship between biological and cultural influence on human generosity.
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Cathryn Townsend är en socialantropolog som har gjort antropologisk forskning om jägar-samlar-samhällen sedan 2009, då hon reste till Demokratiska republiken Kongo för att arbeta med Mbuti, som blev kända för sin jämlika sociala ordning genom Colin Turnbulls populära avhandling The Forest People.
Hon fortsatte med en doktorsavhandling om framväxten av ojämlikhet bland Baka – tidigare jägare-samlare i västra Kongo-bäckenet. Sedan dess har hon arbetat med generositet och fördelning hos Ik, tidigare jägare-samlare i norra Uganda, och korrigerat myten att Ik har en kultur av ”själviskhet” som skapades av Colin Turnbulls avhandling The Mountain People. Hon har också varit medlem i Human Generosity Project. Projektet är det första stora tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprojektet för att undersöka sambandet mellan biologiskt och kulturellt inflytande på mänsklig generositet.